Capuchin monastery – Santa Maria degli Angeli

Cultural religious site

The convent of Vico del Gargano was founded in 1566 by Fr. Anselmo from Morte in the second three years of his provincialate with the consent of the Archbishop of Siponto, Bartolomeo Gallo at the expense of the Marquis Colantonio Caracciolo. Title of the church: Annunziata. On 31 May 1646 there was a strong earthquake that destroyed it. It was immediately rebuilt. The church was consecrated on February 25, 1677 with the title of St. Mary of the Angels. In the period of the suppression of convents by the French government, the convent of Vico was spared due to the intervention of the mayor Gianvincenzo Mattei, the decurionato and the judge of peace of the district of Vico, Francesco Calderisi who pointed out to the steward Charron that the friars of that convent were very useful for the country by spreading “maxims of attachment to the present government”. Not only was the convent not suppressed but the number of friars from eight to thirteen was also increased. In 1867 it was closed by the law of suppression of 1866 and reopened in 1902. It was a novitiate, student residence and seraphic seminary. Title of the church: S. Maria degli Angeli – Archdiocese of Manfredonia.

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