Ex Scoppetta Mill
It is a cylinder mill, an architectural complex in traditional masonry and wooden mezzanines. The production apparatus is arranged on four levels, plus a tower for the grain cleaning department. On a first level, below the road level, the transmission shaft is housed, on the second seven-cylinder mills, the third and fourth level are occupied by the buratteria. The machines still present today date back to 1911. This ancient factory belongs today to the heirs of the family of Francesco Scoppetta (1853-1918) who founded the Farinificio Industriale and also the Pastificio Francesco Scoppetta. The Farinificio stopped working last in 1970. On 19 January 2001 the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities declared the building called Ex Mulino Scoppetta to be of particularly important interest and is therefore subject to all the protection provisions contained in the Consolidated Law on Cultural Heritage, placing, in fact, the constraint. Noteworthy is the cultural interest that arouses in experts in the field such as the “associations” La “Ngegna onlus” and “Giovani delle Acli di Pulsano” which in turn rely on the scientific support of CNR IBAM of Lecce in the person of prof. A. Monte, who is also responsible for the Apulia region of AIPAI (Italian association for industrial archaeological heritage)

Sparo del panno
On the Holy Saturday a purple cloth, hanging above the altar during the season o[...]

Santu Lazzaru
In ancient times, Easter in Salento was introduced by Christ’s Passion’s Car[...]
Living Nativity Scenes
From 25 December to 6 January: living crib in the historic center. For the occas[...]

Saint Lucia
In Galatone, the inhabitants start to feel the Christmas spirit from December 12[...]

Santissimi Medici
It is held on September 25th and 26th. Religious festival with lights and firewo[...]

Cristu di Tabelle
September 14th, a religious festival in the ancient farmhouse of Tabelle. For th[...]

Madonna of Grace
The celebrations in honour of Our Lady of Grace take place since the Eighties of[...]

Palio delle contrade
It is held either in the first ten days of August or early September. Event with[...]

Sant’Anna / Galatone in pot
On 26 July, another religious festival with illuminations. For the occasion ther[...]

Festa SS. Crocifisso e Carro di Sant’Elena
The feast of Holy Crucifix of the Pietà is celebrated from 2nd to 4th May. The [...]