San Celestino, Chestnut Festival – Second Week of October


In the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, St. Celestino Martyr is venerated, a Roman centurion who converted to the Christian faith and was executed for this. His body, kept almost intact over the centuries, is contained in an artistic urn, together with an ampulla with his blood. It was extracted with mandate from the Pope from the cemetery of San Callisto (III century AD) in Rome and the related concession was issued in 1800. Bovino celebrates San Celestino on the second Sunday of October.
For the celebrations in honor of the Saint present the Fanfara dei Bersaglieri (in the afternoon of the eve). The civil demonstrations continue with the ceremony of laying the laurel wreaths at the Monuments to the Fallen. In the evening the chestnut festival is held. On Sunday morning, announced by shots of firecrackers, there is a religious festival that ends with a solemn procession with the Theca containing the relics of San Celestino, and the statue of the Madonna delle Grazie

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